Not enough memory to continue importing. Choose Print to print your list or Continue Load to load the next segment of your list. Not enough memory for undo. The template needed minor repairs and is now OK. The drawing was damaged and could not be repaired. A new empty drawing has been created. The drawing needed minor repairs and is now OK. We couldn't print your order form. Please call 800.942.4008 for assistance. The drawing part of your label was lost or damaged. I created a new empty drawing for you. Could not update templates file. Replace the file with one from your original disk. Not enough memory for previewing. I can only Save the items currently in the List window; the entire list will not be saved. Continue? I can only sort the items currently in the List window; the entire list will not be sorted. Continue? You can't delete the last template in a file; use the Trash instead. Make sure this label is within 2 3/4" of the bottom of the envelope it is placed on. The number of copies is out of range. The templates file may be damaged. Returning to Finder. The Address object was resized to make room for the barcode. The Address object was moved to make room for the barcode. The List is empty; there is nothing to save. I'm sorry, that item is too large to Paste. I'm sorry, I can only Paste into the Address, Message, and Picture objects. I'm sorry, I can only Cut/Copy from the Address, Message, and Picture objects. Please enter text in either the Address object or the Message object. The number of labels down is always 1 when Pinfeed is chosen. That name is already taken, please enter a new name. Do you want to print an order form now? (Talk about your loaded questions!) Do you want to clear the existing list before adding the new one? This format is damaged. You may want to create a new format. Attempt to save list failed! There is not enough room on the disk to save the file. Please select another disk for the save. Sorting may have produced inconsistant results. For best results, sort by the first or last field in a line. Do you want to save your list before quitting? The records in this file have too many different field counts. The Formatter can't handle this file. The records in this file contain too many fields. The Formatter can't handle this file. Address too big encountered (more than 255 chars). Some characters were lost. The maximum label size is 99" (2514mm) The minimum label size is 1/4" (6.4mm) Please enter fractions as: 2 1/2 or 1/2 Please enter decimals as: 2.5 or .567 Need a 'xxxx.Templates' file to run FastLabel. Need '' file to run help system. Use 'Get Icon' before attempting to edit an icon. Some objects were moved when the label was resized. This file doesn't contain any icons. The list is full. Choose Print to print your list or Continue Load to load the next segment of your list. The current system is too old for FastLabel (need 6.0 or newer). Returning to the Finder. FastLabel will not run on this Macintosh (old ROMS). Returning to the Finder. FastLabel is corrupt and cannot be opened. Returning to the Finder.